The consequences of not promoting sport in the population

In this article, we are going to talk about the dangers of not promoting sport in the population as a habit for a healthy life.

Currently, the population has the longest life expectancy in history, and yet there are diseases that could be avoided if we encourage physical activity.

If governments do not take urgent action to promote physical activity, an additional 500 million new cases of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and dementia will emerge worldwide by 2030.

This is why it is becoming increasingly important for governments to invest in actions to promote participation in sports.

promoting sport in the population

Lack of exercise will cost more than $27 billion a year by 2030

The conclusion is from the World Health Organization, which warns that a sedentary population costs more than $27 billion (about 27.4 billion euros) for health services per year worldwide.

According to WHO's global action plan, the goal is to reduce physical inactivity by 10 percent by 2025 and 15 percent by 2030, as lack of exercise is one of the "major risk factors for noncommunicable diseases worldwide."

Lack of regular exercise can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease or diabetes, for example, in addition to overburdening health care services and increasing costs. And an estimated four to five million deaths could be avoided each year if the world's population were more active. Data from 2016 reveals that physical inactivity cost healthcare systems $54 billion.

According to WHO's first global report on physical activity regular exercise reduces the risk of premature death by 20 to 30 percent.

Healthy habits

Promoting sport as a habit for healthy living

Less than 50 percent of the world's countries have a national physical activity policy and only 30 percent have an action plan for each age group, according to the report.

The implementation of policies aimed at encouraging more active living among the population has been "slow and uneven," resulting in "little progress."

One of the consequences of inactivity, the WHO specifies, is the "burden on health systems" from "preventable diseases".

And if there are no more campaigns and the situation does not change, it is predicted that, by 2030, there will be 499 million new cases of "preventable non-communicable diseases", such as mental health problems, diabetes, strokes, dementia, depression and some types of cancer, more than 40 percent of which will be identified in less developed countries.

According to the report, about seven to eight percent of all cases of cardiovascular disease, depression, and dementia could be prevented if people were more active.

In the document, the WHO director-general called on governments to implement policies to intensify physical activity and thus reduce the pressure on health systems.

practice sports
promoting sport

How to promote sport among the population

To promote sport among the population, there are several things that can be done. One is to ensure that people have access to adequate sports facilities and equipment.

It is also important to foster a culture of sport in the community, either through sporting events or programs in schools.

Another approach is to make sports more financially accessible, either through bonuses or scholarship programs. In addition, it is important to promote education about the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.

For all this, public administrations have an annual budget to invest in different programs that promote physical activities for the entire population.

At Sportmadness we are specialized in developing and organizing this type of sports services, which we adapt to the client's needs: sporting events, sports schools, extracurricular activities, summer campuses, directed classes,  etc.


Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

If your organization is looking to organize sports activities do not hesitate to contact us, we will send you a proposal to make your project a reality!

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