Sport in the streets

Enhancing sports spaces for teenagers

Commitment to sport in the streets. An activity that offers healthy leisure alternatives to prevent risky behaviour among young people.

We work together with the local councils to create sport...



We are committed to a new alternative in the fight against risky behaviour. Through activities such as Parkour or Skateboarding, young people will improve their physical fitness and limit their time in undesirable behaviours.



We are committed to gender equality and the promotion of integration. We foster equal participation and inclusion. Our motto, "Sport for all, sport everywhere".



We will teach young people the importance of sport and a healthy lifestyle. They will acquire values such as responsibility and autonomy, and will be able to make responsible use of the facilities in the absence of the instructors.

How do we do it?

We propose activities that are

Original and attractive...

We will propose activities in the outdoors and in municipal facilities. We will check the facilities and adapt our proposal of activities to them.

The activities will be varied, with little material and adaptable to many spaces. We will promote activities such as:

  • Skate
  • Calisthenics
  • Basket3x3
  • Street Dance
  • Parkour
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-24 a las 10.26.27

We create visual and adpated posters and signage

Designed for the teenage audience...

The poster is the first impression... And young people spend a lot of time on social media like Instagram and Tik Tok, where visuals dominate. We want to stand out from the start.

We rely on specialised partners to create attractive posters for each of the activities. We want all young people to see that "street" sport can also be a fun alternative.

We inform and collect registrations

Through a personalised landing page...

We will use our registration platform, with an information page about the service allowing users to register for activities.

On this page, they will be able to select the activity and the chosen timetable.

Once they have done so, they will receive by email all the necessary information to start the activity (address, timetable, materials...).

Captura de pantalla 2020-10-09 a las 12.24.40
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-24 a las 10.18.03

Execution with protocols and maximum security

Taking care of every detail...
  • Tailored protocol for each facility  for Covid-19 prevention
  • Activity coordinator
  • Trained and qualified instructors for each speciality
  • RC and accident insurance
  • Adaptable sports equipment
  • Personalised advice on the activity and its materials
  • Small groups (10 users max.)

Based on a success story...

Learn in the street - Villa de Vallecas

Do you want to promote sport in the streets?

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