Types of sports events you can sponsor

Sporting events, the format that brands seek to connect with their audience.

Nowadays, sponsorships are just another part of the different types of sporting events that exist and at Sportmadness, as an expert company in organizing sporting events, we know this very well. Whether they are amateur tournaments, professional circuits, small and sporadic events, or long-term competitions ... Indeed, any sporting event is likely to be sponsored by a company, brand, association or public entity.

Buthow can I make my proposal attractive and thus get patronage? The answer is "it depends on the goal your potential sponsor is looking for." Experts in the field say that more than half of the event organizers have serious difficulties when it comes to obtaining sponsorships. One of the main reasons is usually related to the lack of personalization of the service. This results in a non-existent connection between the sponsor and the event format. Many times, this comes down to a lack of understanding between the sponsor and the organizer, who is not able to correctly convey the objective of the event.

sports event sponsorship

Therefore, one of the most important parts when it comes to attracting sponsors is to make them see the connection they have with the target audience of the event. Let's see what types of sporting events you can offer to a sponsor based on their goals.

Five types of sporting events that you can organize with Sportmadness

1. Popular events

They are massive sporting events, with high participation and easily to become media. They are sports formats with little physical demand. Anyone who plays sports on a regular basis can participate in them. These formats are known, but at the same time they are very widespread, which implies the need for a differential event organization, planned and executed in a professional way.

It is a type of sporting event that is ideal to be sponsored by large companies or brands that seek to promote themselves. The characteristics of these events facilitate outreach (reach many people), as well as broad brand positioning (brand recall). In addition, there are interesting variations at the format level depending on the audience and the chosen theme, such as:

2. Circuit of events in niche sport

These are sporting events with segmented participation, usually high. These are sports modalities practiced at a semi-professional level, with a minimum required physical condition. Participants, at this level, are willing to travel long distances to participate and positively value the competitive factor.

It can be the object of sponsorship for a brand that seeks a very specific positioning. The participants of these modalities have very segmented habits and interests, easily identifiable by these brands. These will seek to position a product or service that meets a very specific need. By seeking a long-lasting and easily remembered positioning, sponsors will welcome you offering them a loop of multiple events connected to each other over time. You can take as a reference the rankings, leagues, a rollerblade marathon or a simple racing circuit.

3. Semi-massive amateur event

Sports events of medium participation, especially focused on groups, such as children. It is characterized by its simplicity when it comes to attracting participants, since these groups can be contacted directly. A good example would be a college tournament or league.

These are types of sporting events that we will present to sponsors who want to approach a specific group (segmented public) and work on their knowledge and memory of the brand.

4. Non-mass amateur event

Events with a controlled number of participants, with whom it will be easy to connect effectively. Some formats, such as paddle tennis tournaments, allow you to explain the collaboration and carry out brand activations, involving the participants without explicitly interrupting the event.

The objective of a brand, when sponsoring this format, will be to obtain qualitative results. Possibly, you can offer an activation during the event in which participants can test a product. In a complementary way, you can offer the production of qualitative content (testimonials and interviews with potential clients). For this case, the ideal is an express tournament or a masterclass, where it is easy to connect with the public in a close way.

5. Sporadic event with branded content

In this sense, the context of the event influences. On the one hand, a special occasion, date or location with which the user feels identified is used. On the other hand, the event is given a theme related to the above. Therefore, the user is impacted within his comfort zone, with sensations that he already knows, thus connecting in a more implicit and organic way with him.

They are types of sporting events suitable for sponsors who want to promote a specific product or location, such as opening a new physical store, or generating brand recall. On the other hand, the brand will be given great benefits at the content level (both its own and that produced by the participants).

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